A native scrambling and climbing vine that is related to the exotic jasmines. It has beautifully fragranced white flowers typical of jasmine and deep green trifoliate leaves. Without something to climb on it will scramble over rocks and other shrubs. With a trellis or fence it will climb up and spread out. Perfect for arbours, patios, screens etc. Tolerant of sandy soils and salt spray.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Coastal jasmine
Jasminum didymum ssp. didymum
Plant Description:
Special features: White, fragranced flowers, deep green leaves, climber
Pot plant suitable: Indoor, Outdoor
Fauna attractant: Bees, birds - particularly pigeons and doves, Australian privet hawkmoth
More information: https://cqclandcarenetwork.org.au/plants/coastal-jasmine/
Flower-Fruit colour: Black fruit, White flower
Habit: Climber, Trailing or climbing vine
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 3 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun/part shade
Water requirement: Low
Width: 3 m