A shrub with deep green coloured leaves that are silvery-bronze beneath. Greenish-white flowers are followed by dark purple fruit. Grows in a variety of soils including sand. Tolerant of salt […]
Sandpaper fig
An upright and wide shrub or small tree with sandpapery leaves. Green fruit ripen to dark purple. Grows in a variety of soils including sand. Can be pruned to keep […]
A small tree with dark glossy leaves. Leaves tend to be highly variable with either smooth edges or serrated and a mixture of both. Flowers profusely along the stems in […]
Blue tongue
A shrub that grows in most soils and does well in wet environments. Has pretty pink-purple flowers and fruits that leave blue-purple stains. Leaves are distinctive with longitudinal venation. A […]
Blueberry flax lily
A strappy leaved upright plant that spreads via underground rhizomes. Downward facing flowers on a spike followed by 15 mm fruit all year round. Tolerant of most soils.