Red flower

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Red white silky oak

A shrub to small tree that has two flower colour forms that naturally occur. Red and cream. The red or white silky oak has deeply lobed thin leave that are […]

Red bauhinia

Red bauhinia has been used widely in cultivation and becomes weedy in bushland. Native alternatives would provide better foraging resources and habitat.

Little kurrajong

A deciduous open shrub with large lobed and hairy leaves, bright red to pink tubular flowers followed by large green seed pod turning to a brown hairy seed pod. Grows […]

Red kennedy pea

A scrambling or climbing vine often forming tangled mats with large reddish-orange pea-flowers from winter to spring followed by long green hairy pods.

Silky jackbean

A trailing groundcover vine with red pea flowers followed by large green bean pods, tolerant of sea spray and harsh conditions.