A sprawling shrub to small tree. If left to own devices it will sprawl, scramble and become a cluster of stems. However, this can be pruned heavily to have one […]
Blueberry ash
A small tree with white, fringed bell flowers followed by bright blue fruit. Prefers to grow in moist conditions. Flowers in summer. A perfect feature tree or street tree.
A vigorous climber with bamboo-like stems or canes. Long leaves have coiled tendrils used for climbing. Large panicles of creamy-white flowers followed by round pink fruits. This climber would create […]
Coastal canthium
A well formed, upright large shrub to small tree. Dark green leaves and a rainforest trunk, this is a perfect shrub for a feature spot in a shady garden. Creamy-white […]
Toothed wattle
A tall wattle with creamy-yellow ball flowers. Flat seedpods follow flowering. The foliage of this wattle is distinctive in that the large phyllodes have a toothed outer edge. It will […]