30–70 cm

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Berry saltbush

A small herbaceous shrub with interesting shaped small leaves and abundant red berries all year round. Grows in a variety of soils but tolerant of salt spray and sand.

Coastal jack bean

A trailing vine with large, round green trifoliate leaves. Pink-purple pea flowers are present above the plant with large green bean pods to follow. This is perfect for large areas […]

Beach spinifex

A tufted upright grass with silver foliage. Sends out runners and spreads to fill an area. Easy to propagate by cutting runners and planting elsewhere. Prefers sandy soils that are […]

Wedge pea

A small sprawling shrub with delicate pinnate leaves and a striking pea flower which is surprisingly large for the plant. Grows in part shade conditions and tolerates sand and wet […]

Barbed-wire grass

A soft clumping grass that is related to lemongrass and the leaves when crushed smell like lemograss. The tall seedheads are similar to barbed wire hence the common name. The […]