A shrub with deep green coloured leaves that are silvery-bronze beneath. Greenish-white flowers are followed by dark purple fruit. Grows in a variety of soils including sand. Tolerant of salt […]
Lolly bush
A shrub to small tree with white showy flowers. The stand-out feature is the blue-black fruit surrounded by a bright red calyx. Leaves have a long leaf stalk and can […]
Coastal cheese tree
A tall shrub or small tree, has soft green leaves that are discolorous below. Insignificant flowers are followed by red mature fruit that are representative of cheese pin wheels, hence […]
Quinine bush
A well-formed shady shrub to small tree. Small oval shaped leaves with a weepy habit. Flowers profusely with small cream coloured flowers, followed by orange fruit that resemble basketballs or […]
Shaggy-barked tea tree
A small tree with small leaves that become a weeping habit with age and shaggy almost curling bark. Leaves have scent of tea tree when crushed. Trunks become fluted with […]