A clumping upright plant with large erect leaves. Large white lily flowers followed by golf-ball size fruit. Tolerant of rocky terrain, salt spray, swamps, inundated wet areas, brackish water, sandy soils, clay soils and grows well in garden settings in full sun.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
River lily
Crinum pedunculatum
Plant Description:
Special features: Strappy erect leaves, large white flower.
Pot plant suitable: Outdoor
Fauna attractant: Bee
More information: https://anpsa.org.au/plant_profiles/crinum-pedunculatum/
Flower-Fruit colour: White flower
Habit: Groundcover
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 1 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun/part shade
Water requirement: Medium
Width: 1 m