A strappy leaved upright clumping plant that spreads easily via seeds. Has mat-like roots that are beneficial for stabilising eroding areas. Grows in most soils and can withstand medium periods of inundation.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Spiny-headed mat rush
Lomandra longifolia

Spiny-headed Mat Rush; Credit: Greg Tasney
Plant Description:
Special features: Strappy upright leaves with spiky flower spike
Pot plant suitable: Outdoor
Fauna attractant: Bee, butterfly
More information: https://www.anbg.gov.au/gnp/interns-2007/lomandra-longifolia.html
Flower-Fruit colour: Green fruit, White flower, Yellow flower
Habit: Groundcover
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 1 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: All conditions
Water requirement: Low
Width: 1 m