A gnarled shrub to small tree with sharply serrated long leaves. Large brush-shaped cream banksia flowers are followed by woody seed capsules that are persistent. Flowers autumn to winter. A great feature tree in any garden. Prefers sandy soils.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Wallum banksia
Banksia aemula

Wallum Banksia; Credit: Greg Tasney
Plant Description:
Special features: Cream brush-shaped flowers, serrated leaves
Fauna attractant: Bees, insects, honeyeaters, cockatoos
More information: https://anpsa.org.au/plant_profiles/banksia-aemula/
Flower-Fruit colour: Cream flower
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 8 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun
Water requirement: Low
Width: 3 m