An aquatic plant that grows in wet areas and can withstand inundation. Does better on edges of waterways, dams, ponds etc where water isn’t too deep. Can withstand not being in water however soil must be wet. Will die off in dry conditions but will re-sprout once wet again. Has tall flower spikes with numerous yellow flowers with petals up and down looking like a frogs mouth. Leaves are fleshy and upright.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Woolly frogmouth
Phylidrum lanuginosum

Woolly Frogmouth; Credit: Greg Tasney
Plant Description:
Special features: Water plant, yellow flowers and fleshy leaves.
Fauna attractant: Bee
More information:
Flower-Fruit colour: Yellow flower
Habit: Water
Hardiness: Medium
Height: 1 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun/part shade
Water requirement: High
Width: 50 cm