A soft clumping grass that is related to lemongrass and the leaves when crushed smell like lemograss. The tall seedheads are similar to barbed wire hence the common name. The long soft leaves are blueish-green and this grass grows in most soil types.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Barbed-wire grass
Cymbopogon refractus
Plant Description:
Special features: Barbed-wire looking seedheads, blueish-green foliage that smells like lemongrass.
Pot plant suitable: Outdoor
Fauna attractant: Insect pollinators
More information: https://mbba.org.au/cymbopogan-refractus-barded-wire-grass/
Flower-Fruit colour: Green fruit
Habit: Grass
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 30–70 cm
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun/part shade