A well-formed shady shrub to small tree. Small oval shaped leaves with a weepy habit. Flowers profusely with small cream coloured flowers, followed by orange fruit that resemble basketballs or pumpkins. Bark is grey to black and fissured.
Native plant guide: Australian Native
Quinine bush
Petalostigma pubescens

Quinine Bush; Credit: Gemma Bauld
Plant Description:
Special features: Weeping habit of foliage and orange fruit.
Fauna attractant: Bee
More information: https://www.territorynativeplants.com.au/petalostigma-pubescens-quinine-bush
Flower-Fruit colour: Orange fruit, White flower
Hardiness: Drought tolerant
Height: 6 m
Native-exotic: Native
Sun-shade condition: Full sun/part shade
Water requirement: Low
Width: 4 m