A well-formed tree providing shade. Leaves are green and are paler and often white below. Yellow flowers in racemes are showy from spring to summer. However is just as showy […]
Wild prune
A shrub with deep green coloured leaves that are silvery-bronze beneath. Greenish-white flowers are followed by dark purple fruit. Grows in a variety of soils including sand. Tolerant of salt […]
Wallum phebalium
A showy shrub that flowers profusely in spring to winter with white flowers. Leaves are silvery below. Grows in a variety of soils including sand.
Swamp banksia
A multi-stemmed shrub with very large, serrated, stiff hairy leaves, almost velvety to touch. Large cylindrical brush-shaped, green turning to orange, banksia flowers are followed by woody seed capsules that […]
This is an environmental weed that displaces and impacts native flora and fauna.